Monday, July 18, 2011

Grasshoppers: Pickup Number 6

In this week's basket:
  • 2 beets
  • 1 head lettuce (Butterhead?)
  • 2 red onions
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 bunch small carrots
  • 1 large bunch basil
  • 1 head garlic
  • 2 pieces short ribs
  • 3 steaks

For starters, the lettuce, tomatoes, and carrots went into a salad along with some supplementary lettuce, radishes, mushrooms, and a cucumber. The tomatoes are indeed very tasty--nothing like the styrofoam "fresh" tomatoes available at the grocery.

I'll use the beets in a recipe for Beets in Orange Sauce. The steaks will make me a couple of dinners along with sides. Garlic will always be used, as will the red onion.

The basil is giving me pause. I could buy some quality canned tomatoes and use some basil to make a nice spaghetti sauce. We're talking about a lot of basil here, though! Worst case, I'll freeze some in usable portions. Damn, this is a lot of basil!

Short ribs: They'll be oven-barbecued.

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